I'm a designer, developer, and illustrator based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I have an unhealthy obsession for dot grids, mechanical pencils, and taking things apart.


My name is Tressley Cahill. I currently work as a Product Designer with the team over at Habitica. I've been an artist for as long as I can remember. My first (and some would argue "most successful") "design" was completing two of the four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on my family's living room wall before my mother found out.

I made my way to Pennsylvania by way of Tennessee with my fianceé, Liz, our two dogs, Caspian and Vinnie, and three cats, Voltron, Fennec, and Clu. If you happen to catch me away from my computer (or Nintendo DS), you can find me eagerly hunting down my next bowl of ramen, playing with yo-yos, or planning my future career as an astronaut with NASA.

Click here to download a PDF version of my resume.
